Friday, August 19, 2016

JDC Trio at Knott's Berry Farm 8/13/16

Hello friends,

Kelly had to take a night off from the Knott's run in order to play another gig. So I filled in for Kelly again with Jeff and Daniel. Do you think anyone noticed?

I could get away with bringing only one bass to this gig but I also brought a backup as well as a couple of costume changes, just in case. Here's my cart waiting patiently for the light to change across the street from the west employee entrance.

Just inside the park, my gear and I get to stroll by the arena where Snoopy does his "On Ice" shows.

My hat and I arrive just in time to wait for the train to go by.

You might notice that I seldom wear a hat. I'm not a hat person. Plus it's hard to find a hat big enough to fit my fat head. But you'll see why I pulled this old hat out of the closet.

This is the view from the stage as we do a quick sound check, about 15 minutes before we go on. This is the only reason I wear a hat to this gig. I don't like to wear a hat. But I like the sun in my eyes even less.

Just as we finish our first set the sun has gone behind the old mine ride. Whew!

We retire to the air conditioned green room. It's not as fancy as The Ranch but at least it's very cool inside.

As my backup bass I brought my Fender JBS. Those are my cases sitting in the corner there. This is a pretty cushy gig. I just walk on stage and plug in my bass. The sound crew sets up mics, stands, monitors, etc. I don't have to lug an amp or set up a PA system.

Yeah, The green rooms are due for renovation. I've heard it's in the works but don't know when it's going to happen. Not only is the furniture old, there are problems with the plumbing which preclude us from using the restroom. In fact, the door is bolted and screwed shut with a big "out of order" sign. We have to go outside and around to the other side of the building to use the public restrooms. But at least there are two air conditioners in the green rooms. They keep the thermostat on about 68ºF. Perfect for cooling off between sets.

I think Jeff is happy the sun has gone down for our second set. Jeff also plays the drums on this gig, using his keyboard patches. It makes our little trio sound a little bigger.

Daniel plays his acoustic fiddle for this gig. For most gigs he usually plays the solid body fiddle that he made himself. But here at Knott's we like to do things naturally.

This is Rod, our sound man for tonight. He's a really nice guy, been working here for a while.

Unfortunately, when we started this set, Rod forgot to turn on my wireless mic. Luckily, Jeff was singing the first song so we were able to signal Rod to give me a hand. Both of mine were a little busy at the time. But it was not big deal. Things happen. We just made a little joke about me singing a solo, so low that you couldn't hear me.

Rod took a picture of our little trio.

On our last break I wandered over to see the circus stage. There were three lovely ladies on the trapeze.

Yeah, I know. You can't see very well. I couldn't get very close because of the big crowd and I didn't want to push my way through. It was a circus over there!

Here's a shot looking back towards our little stage in front of the Calico Saloon.

Unlike most of our gigs, we did not get a meal provided. But I brought snacks!

We had lots of adorable kids in the crowd dancing and running around the square. A few moms did the electric slide. The gig was over quickly, two one-hour sets and one forty minute set, so I unplugged my bass and walked away while Rod and his crew strike the stage.

I was able to get away in time to stop by a little pub on the way home to hear some friends of mine in their 80s band.

The Cords were playing at The Black Watch Pub. It's an unpretentious neighborhood watering hole with some nice local IPAs on tap. That's my friend "J" on the j-bass and fronting the band. My friend Larry is playing the Les Paul. Dave is behind the keyboard.

They had the crowd rocking for the last set. There were quite a few friends in the crowd. A couple of the ladies had moved some tables so that they could dance. They even drug me on the dance floor. You don't want to see a picture of that. But a good time was had by all.

The KRB has one more free summer concert appearance in Brea this coming Friday, Aug. 19, playing for the Brea Fest. (Brea Fest Facebook Page)

And that's all the news that's fit to print. Thanks for looking! Until the next gig, this is BassCliff signing off.

Thank you for your indulgence,


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