Thursday, November 1, 2018

Pelican Hill Resort, 10/20/18

Greetings friends,

On a recent Saturday evening me and the ANCC played a benefit for ChildHelp at the Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Beach.

To make our 3pm call time I left my house at 1pm to allow for traffic. I basically headed down the 55 until my hub caps got wet, then turned left. The resort is just off Pacific Coast Highway.

I turned off PCH and headed up the hill toward the resort. This is a pretty nice part of town. I don't know why the car in front of me has the door open. I just noticed it.

You get a nice view of the ocean from up on the hill. I was able to get this view because I missed the street and had to turn around.

I found the place. I was first to arrive so I wandered around until I found someone to point me in the right direction.

This is the back patio where auction items would be displayed, beverages and hors d'oeuvres consumed, music played and listened to, etc.

Here are a couple of shots of the grounds and ocean. There was a wedding under that gazebo this evening.

When I walked back out, John and Jason had just pulled up next to my trusty Astro van. We pulled around to the loading dock where the hired help enters the facility.

We rolled down the service hallway to ballroom Pacific A.

We met Scott, our sound man, and started the setup dance. Scott, and his assistant Anthony, work for MxxMaster. We like MxxMaster and use that company a lot.

This was not the largest ballroom we've ever played. Our junk seemed to take up a lot of space.

The room was still being set up as we were schlepping our gear on stage. It's a handsome room.

The staff set the tables and got the big screens working.

It looks like we are just about done with our setup dance. With the theme being "Nashville Nights" you will notice a lot of signage featuring the neon from Broadway in downtown Nashville.

Outside on the patio is the acoustic stage. Arnie will start with a quartet out here and later Kaitlyn Weathers will perform solo.

John played left hand bass with the quartet because there wasn't enough room for a bass player, even though Arnie had asked me to bring my acoustic. It was contracted to be a trio but Jason brought his cajon and made the fourth.

Amanda, Arnie, John, and Jason played a couple of sets between 5:30 and 7:30 during cocktail hour.


While these guys were working, Randy and I wandered around, looked at the auction items, and took advantage of the nice people bringing us alcohol and food.

While I enjoyed the music I also enjoyed the sunset. You can see both Catalina and San Clemente Islands off in the distance. 

When the quartet took a break we decided to have our picture taken during the scenic sunset.

This is the bass player having fun people watching while the rest of the band is working. 

There just happened to be a whisky tasting bar featuring Macallan spirits. I tried several and decided the 12 year old from the sherry oak cask was my favorite. 

Our server was quite generous. I tried my best not to take advantage. I still have to play tonight. 

These events always run behind schedule. I stuck my head in the ballroom to see what was going on. They are still enjoying their meal and raising a lot of money.

Kaitlyn arrives and we all get acquainted. 

Since we have plenty of time, we all head upstairs to the bar to have a beverage and watch the ball game. Outside the bar there is a DJ playing to an empty room. Everyone is watching the Dodgers play. 

There is just too much cuteness in this lounge. I had to document it. 

We headed back downstairs to find that John was the first to take advantage of the pizza for the band.

It was more like flat bread but I'm not complaining. I needed something to soak up the Macallan. 

After supper we all had some fun at the photo booth. 

That's Krystal Lynn in the red dress. She's the dance instructor for the evening. Kaitlyn started her performance a 9pm so we all went outside to cheer her on. She is pretty terrific. 

Kaitlyn sang Miranda Lambert, Casey Musgrave, and other cool stuff. She accompanies herself on the guitar very well. 

Then it was time for us to sneak around to the back of the stage and get tuned up. 

Just before we started, Krystal Lynn taught the crowd a couple of line dances. 

I've been here since 3pm this afternoon. It's now almost 10pm and I haven't played a note except at sound check.  We are finally starting to think about maybe getting started soon. John straightens up his keyboard. He used that one outside earlier.

Jason says, "OK! I'm ready! I came to play!"

While Krystal finishes up the dance lesson we take a "Beauty and the Beast and the Bass Player" selfie.

Randy is also ready. He doesn't mind starting late. We don't get paid by the note anyway.

The band starts and Krystal leads the crowd in an electric slide.

Arnie's got thumb picks and he ain't afraid to use them.

The event is scheduled until 11pm and the room is starting to empty out. We will play for less than an hour.

There are always a few die-hards that will party as long as there's music. I like these folks, they're fun.

Here's a fuzzy shot of Amanda putting on the show.

Just after 11pm we say goodnight. Krystal and Amanda chat at the end of the night.

Arnie says goodnight to Krystal before we begin our load-out dance.

Since I have to play in church in the morning I waste no time striking my gear and heading home.

And a parting shot as I drive by the front door. This is a fabulous resort, starting at about $400 a night to stay here.

The coming week will be a busy one. I have a paid rehearsal on Tuesday, Downtown Disney on Wednesday, The Ranch on Friday and Saturday, and then another fundraiser at the Day Family Car Museum, which is also sold out, on Sunday. Now I've still got a few gigs to catch you up on. Thanks for looking!

Thank you for your indulgence,


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