Monday, July 16, 2018

Downtown Disney District, 7/12/18

Hello my brothers and sisters,

I know you have seen me and the ANB and the KRB play this stage many times but this is probably the last time I'll play this stage until the new hotel construction is finished. It seems the construction was delayed a while so all the regular bands that play here are getting one or two more gigs. Ours was tonight.

I left work a couple hours early and made my way into the OC. I always have to remember to take the right fork when driving to the gig off of Ball Road.

Today I got to park the closest far away I've ever parked. 

That means I have to schlep my gear only 0.49 miles instead of 0.5 miles. ;)

When I arrived all the other musicians were pretty much set up. I guess I caught Austin by surprise when I took this "setup picture". 

Here's a shot of the stage while we're setting up. The ESPN Zone behind us is closed but the big screens are still on. 

Here are Brent and Chris, our sound crew. They did a great job. They work for MxxMaster Sound, a company we use quite often. 

Hey! Looky who's here! It's Amanda! 

It seems a little sparse in this part of Downtown Disney because everything west of the monorail line is closed, waiting for deconstruction. 

You see the theater and the Earl of Sandwich totally closed.

Here is my rig, my basses, and Austin's guitars for the evening. 

Nice photobomb Jason! Amanda should tell that old guy that his hair is a mess. 

As you can see, the Rainforest Cafe has closed its doors waiting for deconstruction. But we have a princess in the audience. 

Austin is ready to get the evening started. He gives me two thumbs up. 

We have no Randy this weekend. He was previously engaged. But we'll have Candy on fiddle tomorrow.

Anyway, this evening we do Shania's "I Feel Like A Woman" so I take a few photos during the intro while I'm not playing. 


Jason is doing that drummy thing, I guess. 

Austin gives me attitude while he picks his Strat. 

Johnny plays his big boogie-woogie number.

I think Amanda is wowed by Johnny tonight. Brent, the soundguy, photobombs.

I know Arnie is wowed by Mr. Johnny Magic Fingers. 

On the first break I definitely needed some caffeine. I found a Monster, not nearly as good as a ROCKSTAR!

Here's a peek at our setlist for sets three and four.

OK, here's my "let's start the next set" selfie.

Arnie and Amanda sing to start us off.

 The crowd really liked Amanda.

Arnie wails!

Amanda joins in the fun!

Hey! Amanda!

Austin enjoys playing for the crowd as the sun sets.

Arnie and Amanda entertain!

This lovely young lady did not turn me down when I asked to take a selfie with me. We met in the Lego store.

Here's a picture of the stage after dark.

After our last set of 30 minutes the fireworks start, signaling the end of our fun. Awwwww.

But we're not sad as we strike the stage. We know that we get to do this again tomorrow in a brand new place!

Tomorrow we are playing a couple of sets at Victoria Gardens, actually near where John and I live. I'll have even more pictures to share soon. Oh boy!

Thank you for your indulgence,


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