Monday, April 24, 2017

Downtown Disney, 4/23/17

Hello friends,

It seems like I've reported on this gig so many times but tonight was a little bit special. Even though we were without keyboards we had a good crowd and some special visitors.

Getting there was really tough this evening. I didn't hear what was going on but there were some surface street closures around the park that made navigating a nightmare.

It was not due to all the new construction for the new Star Wars attractions.

I finally made it to our new parking area for contractors/employees. I was a little bummed that it was three times farther away as the general public parking we used to use. But it's a more convenient in and out. I just have one cart load so I won't complain, much.

I needed my workout today anyway. Once I got to Downtown Disney we had to go through security like everyone else. But the security guys were nice and just wanted to look in my bags, not instruments cases, amps, speakers, etc.

Jack was pretty much ready with the PA by the time the band got there. Wow. What a thankless job. The sound guy gets there first, leaves last, and has the most gear.

Art and Daniel get their stuff up on stage.

I had just left my gear in the van from the last night so I'm using the same rig and basses today. I'm getting lazy in my old age.

It looks like us lads are just about ready to sound check.

Jack had brought along a helper to show him the ropes. That's Andy giving Jack a hand with sound today.

The stage is all set.

I guess we're just about ready to go. Here's my amp-selfie.

Kelly kicks off the show.

The crowds varied all throughout the evening but were generally good and energetic.

Here's where Daniel is doing "Devil" so I have a chance to snap a picture.

This was pretty special. These lovely young ladies are sisters and are a band called Crimson Apple. These ladies can play! Check out their Youtube channel. They will be on this stage next Sunday evening. I think I'll come back to hear them.

They were asking us for tips and advice. I don't think they need any advice from an old geezer like me. These young ladies ROCK! Check out their website and Youtube channel. I'm seriously impressed. Everyone should know their name soon.

Then we went back to work.

Here are a couple of action shots from out front, thanks to friends.

This was the end of our third set. There was a great crowd gathered, and they stayed!

Then at 10pm we were done. Everyone made a hasty getaway. I was a little disappointed there were no fireworks tonight. The winds aloft must've been blowing too hard. Oh well, next time.

We had to roll our gear all the way out to our new parking lot. OK, the race is on!

I huffed and I puffed, and I was able to pass Kid Mario in the home stretch!

Just kidding. But, yes, this old geezer did make it first to the parking lot.

It was a fun night. I'm seriously impressed with Crimson Apple. Did I say they were all sisters? I met their parents (they took the picture) and they all seem like great upstanding folk. I will be very surprised if they don't make it big, and I mean BIG! It does my heart good to see such talent in ones so young. Here we are, playing the same stage, but I'm three times their age. They should go far. I hope so.

Thanks for looking. Be sure to check out Crimson Apple.

Thank you for your indulgence,


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