Saturday, August 1, 2015

Beaumont, 7/25/15

Hi all,

OK, this is our gig from last Saturday (7/25/15). We played at the Solera Oaks community in Beaumont for their summer concert series. It's a really long drive but at least it's hotter than blue blazes.

I like driving out to the desert on a clear day.

This is the entrance to our venue today.

Again, I was pretty early so I got to park right behind the stage. This stage is 12'x16' and is just barely big enough for us.

This is Bobby and Seth, a couple of nice guys who were just as helpful as they could be. They got us power (mostly), and EZ-up, a table and chairs, and some water.

The view would be even more beautiful here if it weren't for the huge power lines right over our heads.

Here's the clubhouse with the flags at half staff for the recent fallen Marines.

 I was here early enough, perhaps I should have played a little lawn bowling.

Jack and Kelly arrives. Kelly relaxes as Jack and I set up our PA systems. We put both of ours together for the larger outdoor gigs.

My old buddy Rick is on this gig. You might remember Rick. I've been working with him for over 20 years, mostly in our old band. Rick fills in for Mario when he can't make it.

It looks like the stage is just about in order. During sound check I found my Randall amp didn't like the power situation at all. It buzzed, crackled, whirred, and just would no be quiet. I think it was a combination of dirty power and EMF interference from the power lines overhead. I used my GK head instead, with a DI, and made my rig a lot quieter. Art was having trouble taming the noise too. But we made it work.

That's right, there's no cover for the stage at all. Even I wear a hat on this gig because that's about all the shade there is.

Here's a view of the stage from the crowd's vantage point. It's not much to look at but we made a lot of noise. The crowd was into it.

To complete the sensory experience, here's a shot from the drum kit.

Oh gosh! Here he goes again!

I think Kelly looks better in her hat then I do in mine.

Art and Daniel must be taking about who has the biggest hat.

One more picture of the rhythm section before we get started.

On a break we try to figure out how to ingest the snacks we brought

It's so much fun working with Rick. We're like the rhythm section with one brain.

The sun was brutal today, but Art and Daniel smiled through it all.

The crowd really enjoyed Kelly. What's not to love?

A few more pictures to finish up this weekend. The sun is starting to set, it's getting cooler, and the band is really starting to have fun.

After we finish our last set, the band took a picture with the sunset behind us. I hope I get a good one. This one I grabbed from FriendFace.

It seems all we've been doing this weekend is setting up and tearing down. As you know, we play for free. We get paid to be roadies.

I get all of my stuff loaded plus three of Jack's powered Mackie speakers. But it's no problem for my trusty Astro van.

Daniel waves good night as he pulls out. 

It was a fun weekend. I like it when the band has a few dates in a row. Coming up, we have another park concert in Brea, just down the street from the "Bonanza Days" country festival we played in Brea a couple months ago. They'll also have the same sound company. They were excellent. It should be a really fun gig. So, until then, break a leg! Thank for looking.

Thank you for your indulgence,


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