Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cowboy Canyon, 8/23/19

Hello friends and neighbors,

I know it's been over a month since I last posted a gig blog update. I've been so busy playing that it's hard to find quality time with my computer to tell you about it. I will make a concerted effort to get caught up over the next couple of weeks. I've got about twenty gigs to share with you. Here we go!

We've played this room several times. This was supposed to be one of our Carrie Underwood tribute shows (Blown Away) but Amanda took the night off to celebrate her daughter's birthday. Just us hairy legged boys were there to do the pickin' and grinnin' at the Cowboy Canyon. Even though it was a late start, 9:30pm, I left work an hour and a half early. It's a good thing.

 The traffic was sticky everywhere, all along my commute to the gig. From the surface street to the freeway, on the freeway, at the exit off the freeway, etc, just everywhere.

My normal hour, hour and fifteen, turned into a two and a half hour commute to the gig. Unbelievable! The only reason you see Lake Elsinore from this side is because the Railroad Canyon Road exit was so backed up, it was more convenient to go to the next off ramp three miles down the road, turn around, and take the exit from the other direction. Nutz!

Then it was no picnic getting to the venue on Railroad Canyon Road. I'd heard there was some kind of accident but I never saw one. But there sure was a bunch of congestion. I'm glad I left some wiggle room in my travel plans.

Jason had arrived first and was in the midst of a solo setup dance. I joined him.

Just after I rolled my gear to the stage, Arnie cut in on the setup dance. We were having quite the ballet.

Here's a shot of me in our "dressing" room. It was far from private because the whole restaurant uses this room as a, uh, um, restroom.

After I've freshened up, I enter the room and take a picture toward the stage area.

I stopped by the bar to say "Hi" to Jordan (sorry, no picture) and pick up a nice Get Up Brown on draught. It was so good, I had a few during the evening.

The venue has a great menu. Tonight I had the pork chop with an apple chutney and sides of the BBQ beans and broccolini. It was excellent.

Then after supper it was time to do our sound check. Scotty was there to help us sound as good as possible.

Johnny Magic Fingers is pulling up the set list on his iPad.

Here's my regular gear and Jason's Breakbeats kit. Somehow he still manages to play this little kit way too loud.

The new guy, Jed, was on the gig tonight. He sang a few.

Jason sang a few.

Johnny did not sing tonight but I could swear I saw smoke coming from his fingers.

We had a pretty good crowd. Mostly it was the ladies who were dancing.


That's Amy there in the middle. She and her friends loved it when I sang that old Pure Prairie League song "Amie". It's one of my big hits.

We played three sets, quitting at 12:30am. Then it was time to pack up and get outta Dodge. I loaded up my handy-dandy Rock-n-Roller cart and made my way out to where Big Betsy was parked.

It was a LOUD room. I put one ear plug in after two songs. I put the other one in after five songs. Arnie did not bring the new IEM rack. He and Jed ran out of time today on the way to the gig. Maybe next week we'll give it the maiden voyage.

And that was my little bar gig for this weekend. It ain't much but at least it's free beer and a meal, and a long commute. I sort of enjoyed it. Until next time, thanks for looking!

Thank you for your indulgence,


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