Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Costa Mesa Fairview Park 7/12/16


Again, I'm sorry I'm so late posting about my gigs this past month. The day job has been kicking my butt. I usually do these things on my lunch hour or near the end of shift but we've been too busy. It bugs me when work gets in the way of my play time.

On a nice Tuesday afternoon we played at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa CA. It's a nice park near the high school.

When I arrived the stage and sound crew were finishing up.

We got our power from generator today. But there were no issues at all and it was very quiet. The smaller generator was for the light pole. It came in handy as we were tearing down.

I guess 60 amps were enough for our little gig.

Here's the FOH booth. These guys were big into QSC amps and EAW speakers.

Art wound up pulling right up to the back of the stage. He followed his GPS to a dead end and decided to go off-roading.

They set up a nice hospitality EZ-UP for us. It was comfy until the wind knocked it down.

There was a good selection of snacks and drinks for us.

This is Johnathan and Jennifer. Johnathan ran the FOH and Jennifer did just about everything else. She was a hard working sound tech, fun to work with.

Here's a shot of the front of the stage. Originally they had the subs in the middle but it was covering up the sponsor banner so they had to split them. There were a pair of 2x15 mains on either side too. We had four mixes.

See that trail area behind Mario? That's what Art had to traverse to get to the gig after he made his wrong turn.

It looks like we are well into our sound check.

Here's Johnathan trying to give us what we want in our monitors.

Here's my sound check amp-selfie. Folks are starting to arrive for our 6:00pm downbeat.

Look who else arrived! My friend, fellow bass player, Grant and his wife.

After the wind turned our EZ-UP into a kite, we decided to move it to the leeward side of the equipment truck where it would be blocked from the wind and sun.

As we take the stage I take a picture of the view from my mic. There had to be more than 2000 people here.

Daniel kicks off the intro to "My Church". Art isn't helping.

Kelly gives a shout out to the beer gardens. They sold out of beer before I could sample the wares.

The crowd goes wild for the chicken dance.

On our break the high school cheerleaders help to give away some prizes.

Here's another crowd shot as we play our second set.

As the sun sets we strike the stage and make our way to the parking lot.

It was a really fun gig. Lots of kids and their families out having a good time in the fresh air and sunshine. That trailer stage is more open than the ones we usually play on. This one folds up and out, then the roof is raised so it's open on all sides. The other kind open like a clam and have hard metal surfaces behind and to the side. That makes for bad sound reflection juju. I like this one much better. Thanks for looking!

Thank you for your indulgence,


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