Thursday, July 14, 2016

Woodbridge Village Park, Irvine 6/25/16

Hello again!

Continuing my summer gigs, we played another summer concert for the Woodbridge Village Association at Woodbridge Park in Irvine CA. Whenever I drive down through the OC I almost always pass by the California Science Center in Santa Ana. They have a rocket on the side of the freeway.

The concert was on the south side of the north lake, a large-ish man-made lake surrounded by large homes. We had to roll our gear down the hill to the small-ish stage.

The tent was our green room. It was warm again, and we were staring into the sun again, and we were uncovered, but they kept the coolers full of cold drinks.

As I was putting my gear on stage I noticed this little guy, I think it's a little egret, snagging minnows along the bank. He was eating pretty good that day.

These were our sound guys for this afternoon. Believe it or not, meet Mark and Brian. (No, not the radio personalities.)

Here's the view from the FOH. Mark has a small QSC system that was plenty for this crowd, an 18" sub there in the middle and a pair of 10" speakers on the sticks.

Mario relaxes by the lake after we are set up. It was nice weather as long as you were in the shade.

From my amp-selfie you can tell the sun was brutal. It's a good think I borrowed some sunblock.

Art had played an earlier gig at the Pala casino that finished at 3:30, which was our call time for this gig. Art made it at 5:09 for a 5:30 downbeat. That's cutting it pretty close. Plus, Art had another gig starting at 9:00 later that evening. He never turns down a gig.

We are all sound checked. Daniel and Art are ready to get started. It was a pretty large crowd. Every piece of shade was occupied all around us.

Daniel says, "Hey! Don't take my picture while I'm tuning!".

For this one I put my camera on top of the main and set the timer. It seems no one else was paying attention.

I think they are both trying to touch Mario's nose. Ew.

During the concert we even had some folks show up in their boats.

This is Karen, one of the coordinators who kept the band happy. She and the crew did a great job. Everyone had fun.

As you can see, there were lots of families and kids and good, clean fun. We even did the chicken dance. The kids love that kind of stuff.

There was another photographer at this gig on the lake. He just shared a few of his pictures.

Sound check:

 Some action shots:

 Again, just as it started cooling off it was time to pack it up.

But I'm not complaining. I was home by a little after 9:00pm, which was a good thing since I had to be at church at 6:30am to play three services on Sunday morning. I love making a joyful noise.

Thanks for looking! We had another summer concert on the following Wednesday, then Saturday a private event in Ojai, plus gigs on Sunday and Monday too. It's going to be another busy summer. And I've got to keep up with this gig blog!

Thank you for your indulgence,


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